It is based on the opensource hardware design of BeagleBone Black and developed into this differentiated version.
It is a lowcost communitysupported development
platform for developers and hobbyists. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable.
Key Features:
- AM3358 1GHz ARM® CortexA8
- 512 MB DDR3 RAM
- 4 GB eMMC onboard flash storage
- 3D graphics accelerator
- NEON floatingpoint
- 2x PRU 32bit microcontrollers
Software Compatibility:
- Debian
- Android
- Ubuntu
- Cloud9 IDE on Node
- Support much more
- USB client for power & communications
- USB host
- Ethernet Port
- 2x Grove Connectors
- 2x 46 pin headers