Explore the future of advanced
computing technology with KAI — short for Kosmos Artificial
Intelligence! Build and program an intelligent sixlegged appenabled
robot that uses machine learning to react to the gestures and sounds
that you make. Machine learning is the process by which computers use
data to recognise patterns learn and make predictions and it is a key
aspect of artificial intelligence.
the app and your smart device’s camera and microphone record physical
gestures and sounds assigning them to KAI’s five functions: walk
forward and backward turn left and right and stop. The AI will learn
to recognize each gesture or sound even if they differ in small
details. The more data you collect the better the AI will learn from
Use the data collected
to create an AI model in the training screen of the app where the AI
takes your data and recognizes patterns in it. The learning curve shows
you how accurately the AI model is learning and you can use the sliders
to adjust the number of times it will analyze the data and how quickly
the training should run to get better results. Then put your AI model to
the test in play mode by controlling your robot remotely. Just perform
the same gestures or sounds that you did when collecting data and your
robot will perform the assigned function!
can also control KAI directly using the remotecontrol function in the
app or by using your smart device as a gyroscope tilting it in the
direction you want it to move in.