Put on your own magic show for family and friends! Perform the following magic tricks in front of an amazed audience: Make the magic wand stick to the palm of your hand like a magnet; read the mind of your audience and tell them the number they are thinking of; see the number of the dice through the magic cup; escape through a piece of paper that is no bigger than a postcard; and identify the card that a member of your audience has chosen and placed back in the pack. With a total of 12 magic tricks in one box this kit is ideal for all sorts of occasions! Each kit comes complete with fully illustrated instructions trick secrets and tips for preparing a successful magic show. Get ready to dazzle your audience with your magical skills with the help of this great kit!
Contents include 1 magic wand 1 deck of playing cards 1 magic playing card 1 rope 6 mystic number cards 2 dice and a variety of other specially designed magic accessories for performing 12 tricks. Also includes a 16 page fully illustrated magic instruction booklet (containing magical tips and tricks!).