9780761166559 – BRAIN QUEST GRADE5
Where can you see stalactites and stalagmites? In the Civil War what army was commanded by Robert E. Lee? What s a quicker way to say the hat belonging to Pedro ? Plus contractions ratios prepositions time zones the solar system similes and metaphors Grab Bag and: If Dan and Fran split 30 marbles at a ratio of 1 to 2 how many will each have? Brain Quest Grade 5 quizzes kids on the stuff they need to know when they need to know it with 1 500 curriculumbased questions and answers reflecting the latest school standards. Vetted by a panel of America s highest awardwinning teachers and embraced by kids and parents because it flatout works Brain Quest opens a world of information and education with its fastpaced questionandanswer format bright fullcolor illustrations and lively attitude.